Russian Phrasebook - Eating Out on "Bride online from Russia"

Bookmark it or print it out and take with you on your trip. This excellent phrasebook contains all words and expressions you will need in your everyday life in Russia, and none you don't need.


  1. BASIC EXPRESSIONS  These are must. Start here if you are new to Russian, going to travel to Russia or want to look polite and educated while talking to Russians.
  2. ARRIVAL, HOTTEL Phrases useful for hotel registration, hotel staff contacts, currency exchange, etc.
  3. EATING OUT (You are here).Here's what to say at the restaurant, how to order foods and beverages, traditional Russian dishes, etc.
  4. SHOPPING Some general expressions required when shopping, trying clothing on, inquiring about price, etc.
  5. DOCTOR  How to describe your condition, call a doctor, and understand doctor's instructions.




 Eating Out

At the restaurant



Я хочу есть (пить) Ya khachoo yest' (peet') I'm hungry (thirsty)
Пойдёмте в ресторан (кафе) Paydyomte v reestaran (kafe) Let's go to a restaurant (cafe)
Дайте пожалуйста меню Dayte pazhaloosta menyoo Give me the menu, please
Приятного аппетита! Preeyatnava apeeteeta Bon appetit!
Я хочу попробовать национальное блюдо Yah khachoo paprobavat' natseeanal'naye blyoodo I want to try some national dish
Дайте мне, пожалуйста... Dayte mne pazhaloosta Please, give me ...
Принесите мне... Preeneeseete mne I'll have ...
Очень вкусно Ochen' fkoosna That's delicious
Мне это не нравится Mne eta ne nraveetsa I don't like this
Советую взять... Savyetooyoo vzyat' I recommend ...
Что Вы посоветуете? Shto vi pasavyetooeetye What will you recommend?
За ваше здоровье и благополучие! Za vashe zdaroveeye ee blagapaloocheeye Health and happiness!
Больше ничего не нужно, спасибо Bol'she neecheevo nee noozhna, spaseeba Nothing more, thank you
Счёт, пожалуйста Schyot pazhaloosta Bring the bill, please







Стакан чая, пожалуйста Stakan chaya pazhaloosta A glass of tea, please
Чашку кофе, пожалуйста Chashkoo kofee pazhaloosta A cup of coffee, please
Я хотел бы...
Ya khatel bi I'd like some...
Я хотела бы...
Ya khatela bi I'd like some...
...сок sok ... juice
...молоко malako ... milk
...минеральную воду meeneeral'nooyoo vodoo ... mineral water
...квас kvas ... kvass




Traditional dishes



Дайте мне... Daytee mne May I have some ...
...блины с икрой bleeni s eekroy ... pancakes with caviar
...блины со сметаной bleeni sa smeetanay ... pancakes with sour
...борщ borshch ... borshch
...окрошку akroshkoo ... okroshka
...осетрину по-русски aseetreenoo pa rooskee ... poached sturgeon with tomato sause and vegetables
...пельмени pel'menee ... pelmeni



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